
ADCH-Platinum LAA-Gold Gator GCH-Platinum, SACH-Platinum, SCH-Platinum, RCH-Platinum, JCH Platinum, TM-Platinum OA, OAJ

Gator is a very talented boy! The only boy Border Collie in the Full Tilt Crew but what a list of accomplishments he has! He has been in the finals every year we have attended since his first Nationals in 2009.IMG_2957

Photo Taken By: Great Day Photos

In addition to many placements at the regional level, here is just a short list of Gator’s accomplishments:

  • 2012 USDAA Championships
    • Grand Prix Finalist-6th Place
    • Steeplechase Finalist
    • Team Gamblers 7th Place
    • Dam Team Finals-Team ended up 18th overall
  • 2011 USDAA Championships
    • Steeplechase Finalist-7th Place
    • Grand Prix Finalist-6th Place
    • Team Jumpers-6th Place
    • Team Standard-7th Place
    • Dam Team Finals-16th Place Overall
  • 2010 USDAA Championships
    • Steeplechase Finals-9th Place
    • Dam Team Finals-Team 5th Place
    • Top Team Individual 22″
  • 2009 USDAA Championships
    • Wins European Jumpers
    • Grand Prix Finalist

Gator has been in at least one final since his first trip to Nationals, most times he is in all 3 finals! What a talented dude!
