2017 Seminars: Updated
December 15-16-17 TCB Agility, the Carolinas:
2018 Seminars:
January 13-14: Mexico City, Francisco Berjon
January 26-28: WAO Team USA Practice (Coaching)
February 2-3-4: Las Vegas, NV: Zoe Beatty
February 16-17-18: New Hope, MN: Cloud9 Dog Training http://cloudninedogtraining.com
March 1-4: NCBCF: Held at Placer Dog: Granite Bay, CA http://www.ncbcf.com/Home_Page.html
March 5: Harmony Hill Agility: Sebastopol, CA: Liza Buckner
March 23-24-25: TCB Agility, the Carolinas:
April 13-14-15: Pinnacle Dog Sports: Warrensville Heights, OH (Cleveland area): http://www.pinnacledogsports.com/
April 19-20-21-22: Sunshine Obedience School: Council Bluffs, IA: http://www.sunshineobedience.com/
May 4-5-6: Manners Matter Dog Training and Daycare, LLC: Nicholasville, KY: https://www.mannersmatterky.com
May 15-28: Coaching the WAO Team USA in the Netherlands!
May 31-June 3: FDSA Camp: https://fenzidogsportsacademy.com/index.php/courses/ipo-courses/8-fdsa/2436-ferretpalooza
June 26-27-28: Marin Humane: Novato, CA: https://www.marinhumane.org
July 11-12-13: Pawsitive Partners: Indianapolis, IN: http://www.pawsitivepartners.com
July 20-21-22-23: Contact Sports Agility: IL: http://contactsportsagility.com
August 3-4-5: Animal Inn: Lake Elmo, MN: https://www.animalinntraining.com
August 10-11-12: PO2 Agility: Cummings, GA http://partyof2agility.com
September 6-7-8-9: Laura Knoll: Moline, IL
September 18-19-20: Cinder Lane Agility: Los Lunas, NM: http://www.cinderlaneagility.com
September 28-29-30: The Field: Northridge, CA: https://www.facebook.com/Northridgedogsports/
October 3-4-5: Countryside Agility: Erie, PA: http://www.countrysideagility.com
October 12-13-14: Las Cruces Dog Sports: Las Cruces, NM: https://lascrucesdogsports.com
November 7-12: US Open: Jacksonville, FL
December 7-8-9: TCB Agility: The Carolinas: http://www.tcbagility.com/
There are no more dates available for me to add seminars. 2018 is full.